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Imagine being able to FULLY-UNDERSTAND what your body is trying to tell you….


Bestselling Author

No.1 selling author on Amazon in 2024

Are You ready to discover The HIDDEN TRUTH Behind Physical, Emotional and Mental Healing Through Learning The Secret Language of Your Body?’

This is a self paced program designed to help those who are ready to discover where all their physical, emotional and mental challenges stem from.

Are you ready to discover how to tune into your body, receive messages from it, transform past trauma and heal? And this is just the beginning of what is possible…

Watch This Video To Find Out More.

  • Have you become used to living in a state of inner discomfort?

  • Do you wish you had more insight about what is really going on inside your body?

  • Do you feel like you keep going round and round a circle with no real results?

  • Does the idea that you can find real tools to heal yourself seem unimaginable?

  • Are you so exhausted, you can’t even imagine what it would be like to be full of vitality?

  • If this is you, you have come to the right place. It’s time to go beyond band aid solutions and get to the sources of what is really going on!

I get it. Having a painful physical condition or dealing with traumatic experiences without having real tools can be disheartening.

For years I felt like I was the victim of my physical ailments and I gave my power to those who I thought knew how to heal me. Except they didn’t. So I spent tens of thousands of dollars going to see various practitioners every few days, for several years. Until one day a chiropractor told me that he couldn’t help me because my body wanted to be stuck!

So on the way home, I decided with all of my being to heal myself! I realized that only person that could find out all the details and create real lasting change was me.

By being willing to tune into my body I discovered exactly where my backpain, digestive issues, psoriasis and anxiety were coming from.

Within 24 hours my pain decreased by 70%. Within a few weeks I was pain free, my psoriasis which was ancestral disappeared, my anxiety vanished and my digestion improved dramatically. I have been pain free ever since.

No matter what you have been told, with the right guidance you are capable of learning to decipher your body’s hidden wisdom and heal!

You Deserve To Befriend Your Body

And Learn How To Work With It!

Your body has innate intelligence that can guide you to transform your health and to reclaim your life!

I know this because not only have I healed myself and helped my family, but my book, The Secret Language of Your Body has sold over a million copies and has been number 1 on the Amazon bestseller list in 2024, 17 years after it was first published. I receive messages almost daily from people who have overcome every health condition you could imagine using the processes I have shared.

I know that if you follow my guidance and put some effort in, you will be able to learn how to listen to your body and soul and heal yourself.

And it really isn’t that hard or complicated.

The secret is

you need to learn how to befriend your body, so that it can lead you towards your greatest wellbeing and soul purpose.

Hi I am Inna Segal and I have not only healed myself of debilitating back pain, psoriasis, anxiety and digestive issues but I have helped tens of thousands of people to uncover the secret language of their body/soul/spirit and have guided them to not only heal themselves but to live the life they came here to experience.

The processes I have created took over 22 years to refine.

I know they work if you use them regularly as I have an ability to see into people’s bodies and discover what is truly effective. This is why my book, The Secret Language of Your Body is seen as one of the most accurate healing guides around. If you haven’t seen it, I encourage you to purchase it and look up your condition.

However, in The Secret Language of Your Body Uncovered I go beyond what I shared in my book and teach you how to use the tools I have been exploring most effectively to create a true foundation of great health and to work with any condition you have.

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Why Join The Secret Language Of

Your Body Uncovered?

During 16+ hours of training you will discover…

  • How to Connect to the Divine and Protect Yourself.

  • Understand what the different sides of the body are trying to teach you.

  • How to wake your body up and release stuck emotions from the right and the left sides of your body, incorporating your feminine and masculine archetypes.

  • The power of colour healing and how to use colour to transform your emotional state and regenerate your body.

  • This is an in-depth process of tuning in, receiving profound messages, and healing all the major parts of your body.

  • How do you ground yourself so that you are fully in your body?

  • Understand the 8 stages of healing.

  • A profound process to release fear, rejection and past trauma

  • Discover why opening your heart is vital for all healing and intuitive insight.

  • Participate in a powerful heart-healing process.

  • Learn why it is essential to develop your boundaries and how to do this.

  • Learn to work with the Secret Language of Your Body most effectively to heal yourself.

  • Understand how to work specifically with various ailments.

  • Participate in a process to connect to where your health issue first began and how you can heal it now.

  • Discover why it is important to work with the Nervous System.

  • Participate in a process to work with the nervous system.

  • Learn how to create a daily healing practice.

  • Have Many of your Questions Answered.

And Much More….

  • Access to 8 powerful healing processes that you can work with daily, which cover protection, grounding, releasing stuck emotions, tuning into your body and receiving messages, trauma release, heart healing, working with ailments and healing the nervous system.


For A Short Time Only 


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What You Can Get?

  • Bonus 1: Access To The Course For 3 Years VALUE $1390

  • Bonus 2: Full Colour Printable Workbook With Over 45 Pages Of Valuable Content VALUE $99

  • Bonus 3: 8 Powerful Healing Processes To Work With In Both Video And

    Audio Format VALUE Priceless

  • Bonus 4: The Secret Language of Your Intuition eBook by Inna Segal VALUE $99 RRP

  • Bonus 5: Releasing Old Thoughts Patterns Online Course VALUE $345 RRP

  • Bonus 6: Freedom From Pain Audio
    VALUE $39.95 RRP

  • Bonus 7: Success, Money And Prosperity Audio VALUE $39.95 RRP

  • Bonus 8: Cellular Memory Audio
    VALUE $39.95 RRP

Total Value $2052.85 AUD

Pay In Full

Single payment Price: £361.84 UK

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4 x Weekly Payments of $186.25 AUD Price: $745 AUD

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8 x Weekly Payments of $99.37 AUD Price: $795 AUD

If you would like to talk to someone before you purchase.

Click here and book a call with our team.

What Are Others Already Saying About

The Secret Language

Of Your Body Uncovered?'

There are over 3200+ people all over the world who took the course, tried and tested and were spellbound

Thanks Inna Segal, are truly opening the channels for people to have real awakening & healing at the deepest levels. So very much appreciate the time, energy & effort you put into making these memorable workshops.

- Nicole Galloway

Being taught real, tangible & enlightening information with Inna that resonates deeply allowed me to trust & delve into the depths and details of my inner world like no other teachings do.

- Mechel Pearson

What a true blessing to have Inna on our Earth at this present time. Thank you so much for sharing your amazing knowledge, insights and love. A fantastic workshop!

- MichelleI Loeser

Thank you Inna for providing tools and techniques that have shown me how to release emotions that have been pent up for festering for 50 years. Finally they are gone from my body and the pain and body problem went with them.

- Trisha Evans

Hi Inna
I would just like to share with you and others my experience after your 2 day Secret Language of the Body Uncovered workshop. I had been diagnosed with protruding disk in the middle of my back that had be highly debilitating and extremely painful for some 6 weeks. After 6 weeks of Physio with no great change... during your one  10 minute exercise where I fully committed to doing the process the pain went and I haven't had it back since... thank you! This was more than 2 years ago.

- Barbara Barker

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Now I know what you are probably thinking.

I Don’t Know If I Have The Capacity

To Connect To My Body, Receive

Messages And Heal.

And if you knew how to do this, you wouldn’t need this course.  This course will show you exactly how to connect with your body, release old stuck emotions, receive messages and release pain.

Your commitment is to start the course and then to work with the processes daily and like thousands of other people you will not only experience a physical and emotional transformation but you will start to see how every area of your life, intuition, relationships and even finances starts to become enhanced. 

In This Course I Share Some Of

Her Most Profound Information

That Has Taken Me Over 22 Years

To Gather. 

This course is perfect for beginners as well as those who have been on this journey for years. 

Whilst this course is based on my best selling book The Secret Language of Your Body, it offers you in depth wisdom, which I have discovered in the 17 years that I have been travelling and teaching all around the world since I wrote my bestselling book. 

The best results will occur if you use The Secret Language of Your Body in conjunction with this powerful healing course.

This is not a surface-based course, but a deep dive into what it truly takes to work with your inner self to improve all aspects of your wellbeing. 

So if you have been going round and round the circles, trying to get someone else to heal you with little results and huge amounts of frustration this course is for you.

It puts you into the drivers seat, allowing you to take charge of your own health. In order to have the best results you must work with the processes regularly. To create a new foundation you need to create a daily healing practice which becomes part of your lifestyle. I 100% Guarantee you will gain deep insights from this course, or I’ll fully refund your purchase in full and you can keep the workbook as a gift from me to you. 

However as I want to keep you accountable you would need to send me a report of how you have used the processes each day and what you experienced. If you have done the practice I describe daily and conscientiously and absolutely nothing has changed then I will refund the course to you within 30 days.

I will not offer refunds to those who don’t use the work I describe properly.

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As stipulated by law, we can not and do not make any guarantees about your ability to get results or earn any money with our ideas, information, tools or strategies. We just want to help you by giving great content, direction and strategies that worked well for us and our students and that we believe can move you forward. All of our terms, privacy policies and disclaimers for this program and website can be accessed via the link above. We feel transparency is important and we hold ourselves (and you) to a high standard of integrity. Thanks for stopping by. We hope this training and content brings you a lot of value.

© 2024,INNA SEGAL All Rights Reserved