Pre-order: This book starts shipping on May 5th, 2020

Imagine being able to FULLY-UNDERSTAND what your body is trying to tell you?

Discover the HIDDEN TRUTH behind physical (and emotional) healing through the power of 'Intuitive Visualization'

This 2-day workshop reveals science-based techniques to completely transform your mind,

body, and spirit without harmful meds, costly doctor visits, or dangerous procedures.

Join 'The Secret Language of Your Body Uncovered,'

Normally $895 AUD Now only $595 Save 30% with this Special

Powerful Healing Online Course

“The Secret Language of Your Body - Uncovered”

Okay, as I mentioned before this course is going to teach you how to tune into your body and transform every aspect of your life as you improve your health. We will send you access to all the course content online. So you can watch it in your own time from anywhere in the world. 

 "Traffic Secrets exposes the “new” way to drive the right people to your product or  service. Russell's giving you secrets that no one has revealed, and he does it in a way that makes his lessons easy to absorb and understand."

Dean Graziosi

"Controlling traffic is the holy grail for any profitable business. Traffic Secrets is the online formula to create the attention every product needs to thrive."

Steve J Larsen


Their Name

In day 1 of this incredible course

you will learn: 

  • How to Connect to the Divine and Protect Yourself.

  • Understand what the different sides of the body are trying to teach you.

  • How to wake your body up and release stuck emotions.

  • The power of colour healing and how to use colour to transform your emotional state and regenerate your body.

  • How to tune into your body, ask the right questions and receive messages.

  • How to ground yourself so that you are fully in your body.

  • A process to tune into your body to release painful emotions and past trauma.

  • A profound process to release fear and limiting emotions

In day 2 of this life-changing course

you will discover: 

  • Why opening your heart is vital for all healing.

  • A powerful heart healing process. 

  • Why it is essential to develop your boundaries and how to do this. 

  • How to Work with some of the most common ailments.

  • How to work with the Secret Language of Your Body in the most effective manner to heal yourself.

  • A process to connect to where your health issue first began and how you can heal it now.

  • Why it is important to work with the Nervous System A process to work with the nervous system.  

  • How to create a daily practice. 

And much more….

  • Receive a 43 A4 page colour workbook that can help you to heal.

  • Access to the 16 hours of healing wisdom

  • Access to 8 powerful healing processes that you can work with daily, which cover protection, grounding, releasing stuck emotions, tuning into your body and receiving messages, trauma release, heart healing, working with ailments and healing the nervous system.

  • Access to a supportive online community.

Passion to Profit Book

I'd like to rush a digital copy of my brand new

book to you, ASAP!

DOTCOM Secrets Book

Okay, as I mentioned before, this book is brand new. You need to pay for the book, and And we'll send you the digital version of the book right away even if you are anywhere in the world!

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"Vinyl 8-bit mustache quinoa drinking vinegar tousled. Odd Future iPhone sriracha, literally sustainable "

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"Vinyl 8-bit mustache quinoa drinking vinegar tousled. Odd Future iPhone sriracha, literally sustainable "

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What Are Others Already Saying About
'The Secret Language of Your Body Uncovered?'

"Hi Inna, I would just like to share with you and others my experience taken from your 2 day Secret Language if the Body workshop After doing the Sunday protocol where we touch and send healing to any area we have problems or pain with ....

I had been diagnosed with protruding disk in the middle of my back that had be highly debilitating and extremely painful for some 6 weeks...

I have done your work for some years now but was too caught up in the experience I was having that lead to a nasty legal battle with my nephew to remember the energy level ... however.... after concentrating on working with your tools ... after 6 weeks of Physio with no great change....

1 10 minute exercise fully committed to doing the process and the pain went and I haven't had it back...

thank you"

Barb Barker

"My hot flushes/flashes, have gone or are very mild, I hardly notice them.  I'm sleeping so much better through the night now.  No tossing and throwing off my sheets. Feels great. "

Jennifer L’Estrange Mayhew 

"I met Inna in March 2020. I typed 1 sentence into the question on her masterclass. Her answer astounded me. You are not properly connected to your body, have problems with relationships, parents, reproductive problems and probably hip pain”.

My answer was yes to all of the above. I then purchased a course. I did basically all of the classes available and listened over and over again to her words, getting little insights each time, and finally had a big release in July on removing pain from the body. The hip problem I had has now resolved. I got the emotion, the message and it all made total sense. I have no pain in the hip, my leg feels completely attached to my body and I can jog and even run again."

- Trisha Evans

"My son, Sebastian, had been suffering from arthritis for 4 years whenI discovered Inna being interviewed by Mel and Koshie on Sunriseone morning. 

As soon as I heard her story I felt confident that she was able to provide the alternative and drug free treatment we had been searching for. Sebastian had, of course, visited doctors, specialists and naturopaths, as well as, having had surgery on his foot. 

He had been in a lot of pain and often attended school using crutches, and for an active 11year old was very physically restrictive. 

A change to his diet did help but only for the short term. Only after a few phone sessions and 1 face to face session with Inna, all pain and stiffness was gone! Inna was also able to help Sebastian correct his awkward gait, something that a physiotherapist was unable to do. Sebastian and I were very fortunate to be able to attend many of Inna’s workshops over the years; she had taught Sebastian how to heal his own body. 

This is an amazing skill and is something that he can utilize for the rest of his life.  That was over 17 years ago, he is now 29, a professional golfer, and he has been completely pain free since. We are forever grateful to Inna; sharing with us and the world how to utilise this amazing intuitive healing intelligence we all have within our own bodies."

Lisa H from Gold Coast

The Secret Language of

Your Body Uncovered

DOTCOM Secrets Funnel

I’d love you to offer you access to this course straight away, so that you can deepen your healing journey and start to receive relief from debilitating pain or other conditions. As soon as you purchase this course you will have access to all the healing wisdom and processes you need to heal. 

Join The Program Now and

Get These FREE Bonuses!

Bonus #1 - The Business of Your Brand

One on One Healing: 50% Off

Healing Session

(Valued at $160 a session)

Funnel U Bonus

This bonus entitles you to 50% of the cost of the first healing session with one of Inna Segal’s personally training certified Intuitive Healing Practitioners. 

Get this bonus for FREE when you join "The Secret Language of Your Body Uncovered" Today!

Bonus #2 -
Releasing Old Thoughts Patterns Online Course

Delete your negative thoughts

(Valued at $345 RPP)

108 Split Test Winners Bonus

This course is worth Here Inna shows you how to delete negative beliefs in minutes and how to install positive healing intentions, that can change your health and how you experience life.

Get this bonus for FREE when you join "The Secret Language of Your Body Uncovered" Today!

Bonus #3 - Freedom from Pain Audio

Release Pain

(Valued at $39.95 RPP)

Network Marketing Secrets Ebook Bonus

Listen to this healing track to receive messages about the pain you are experiencing and then work with variety of techniques to release it.

Get this bonus for FREE when you join "The Secret Language of Your Body Uncovered" Today!

Bonus #4 - Success, Money and Prosperity audio

Abundance Audio

(Valued at $39.95 RPP)

Funnel Audibles Bonus

By working with this audio you are encouraged to release your limitations around money and any dreams or opportunities you may desire. You will be able to befriend money and attract, new and exciting opportunities towards you.

Get this bonus for FREE when you join "The Secret Language of Your Body Uncovered" Today!

Bonus #5 - Access of the course for 3 years

3 years to Learn

Value: ($495)

30Day DOTCOM Secrets Challenge

You will have access to this course for 3 years, to work with all the processes that have been separated for you to download, so that your healing journey can be as effortless as possible.

Get this bonus for FREE when you join "The Secret Language of Your Body Uncovered" Today!

Bonus #6 - 40+ Page Work Book

40+ page workbook

Value: ($99)

30Day DOTCOM Secrets Challenge

You will receive a workbook that you can print out and have on hand to write any notes in as well as to work with when you may not have access to the recording.

Get this bonus for FREE when you join "The Secret Language of Your Body Uncovered" Today!

Bonus #7-
Access to Private Facebook Community

Private Facebook Community

 (Priceless, just need to participate!)

30Day DOTCOM Secrets Challenge

Join our private Fb community and ask any questions that may come up. Interact with others and be supported to heal.

Get this bonus for FREE when you join "The Secret Language of Your Body Uncovered" Today!

Let me show you EVERYTHING you get when you order “The Secret Language of Your Body Uncovered” Today!

  • The Secret Language of Your Body Uncovered online course with over 16 hours on online video course content . ( VALUE: Priceless, just need to participate!)

  • Access of the course for 3 years VALUE ($495)

  • Full colour printable workbook with over 45 pages of valuable content  VALUE ($99)

  • 50% Off the first Healing Session with one of Inna Segal’s Certified Practitioners VALUE ($80)

  • Releasing Old Thoughts Patterns Online Course VALUE  ($345 RPP)

  • Freedom from Pain Audio VALUE ($39.95 RPP)

  • Success, Money and Prosperity audio VALUE  ($39.95 RPP)

Total Value: $15,499

Actual Price: $895 AUD

Today's Price:

$585 AUD

Now I know what you are probably thinking.

I don’t know if I have the capacity to connect to my body, receive messages

and heal.

And if you knew how to do this, you wouldn’t need this course. 

This course will show you exactly how to connect with your body, release old stuck emotions, receive messages and release pain.

Your commitment is to start the course and then to work with the processes daily and like thousands of other people you will not only experience a physical and emotional transformation but you will start to see how every area of your life, intuition, relationships and even finances starts to become enhanced. 

In this course Inna has shared some of her best information that has taken her over 20 years to gather. 

This course is perfect for beginners as well as those who have been on this journey for years. 

Whilst this course is based on Inna Segal’s best selling book The Secret Language of Your Body, it offers you in depth wisdom, which Inna has discovered in the 15 years that she has been travelling and teaching all around the world since she wrote her bestselling book. 

The best results will occur if you use The Secret Language of Your Body in conjunction with this powerful healing course.

This is not a surface-based course, but a deep dive into what it truly takes to work with your inner self to improve all aspects of your wellbeing. 

So if you have been going round and round the circles, trying to get someone else to heal you with little results and huge amounts of frustration this course is for you.

It puts you into the drivers seat, allowing you to take charge of your own health.

Here Is My “You’ve Gotta

Be Crazy” Guarantee

I 100% Guarantee you will love this course, or I’ll fully refund your purchase in full and you can keep the workbook as a gift from me to you. 

That’s right. Just send us an email or call the number on your receipt within 30 days and give you 100% of your money back no questions asked.

Let me show you EVERYTHING you get when you order “The Secret Language of Your Body Uncovered” Today!

  • The Secret Language of Your Body Uncovered online course with over 16 hours on online video course content . ( VALUE: Priceless, just need to participate!)

  • Access of the course for 3 years VALUE ($495)

  • Full colour printable workbook with over 45 pages of valuable content  VALUE ($99)

  • 50% Off the first Healing Session with one of Inna Segal’s Certified Practitioners VALUE ($80)

  • Releasing Old Thoughts Patterns Online Course VALUE  ($345 RPP)

  • Freedom from Pain Audio VALUE ($39.95 RPP)

  • Success, Money and Prosperity audio VALUE  ($39.95 RPP)

Total Value: $15,499

Actual Price: $895 AUD

Today's Price:

$585 AUD


30-Day Money Back Guarantee

I 100% Guarantee you will love this course, or I’ll fully refund your purchase in full and you can keep the workbook as a gift from me to you. 

That’s right. Just send us an email or call the number on your receipt within 30 days and give you 100% of your money back no questions asked.

But I still want to make myself crystal clear: there is NO risk to you.

So if you feel the value is just not up to snuff as promised on this page, then I’ll personally return your initial investment and we’ll STILL part as friends…;)


30-Day Support For Success

We offer a 30-day support guarantee from our dedicated Success Team. Our team and I will provide you with guidance to ensure that you never feel lost or stuck during your experience with 'The Secret Language of Your Body, Uncovered' program.

If you require any assistance throughout the program, we are committed to providing you with complete support to ensure that you enjoy your journey."

Get your free healing and prosperity audio and

Releasing Old Thought Patterns

Okay, as I mentioned before this course is going to teach you how to tune into your body and transform every aspect of your life as you improve your health. We will send you access to all the course content online so you can watch it in your own time from anywhere in the world.

Get your free healing and properity audios and

Releasing Old Thought Patterns” mini online course today!

Okay, as I mentioned before this course is going to teach you how to tune into your body and transform every aspect of your life as you improve your health. We will send you access to all the course content online so you can watch it in your own time from anywhere in the world.

  Hardback Copy of DotCom Secrets

 ($24.95 Value)

  The 3 Core Funnels eBook

 ($47.00 Value)

  108 Split Tests eBook

 ($47.00 Value)

  Network Marketing Secrets eBook

 ($47.00 Value)

  Funnel Audibles

 ($97.00 Value)

  30 Day DotCom Secrets Challenge

 ($97.00 Value)

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As stipulated by law, we can not and do not make any guarantees about your ability to get results or earn any money with our ideas, information, tools or strategies. We just want to help you by giving great content, direction and strategies that worked well for us and our students and that we believe can move you forward. All of our terms, privacy policies and disclaimers for this program and website can be accessed via the link above. We feel transparency is important and we hold ourselves (and you) to a high standard of integrity. Thanks for stopping by. We hope this training and content brings you a lot of value.